Declaration of ownership in connection with inheritance
When transferring a property by private administration of the estate to the heirs the form “Declaration of lawful title” (in Norwegian “Hjemmelserklæring ved arv/skifte/uskifte”) must be filled out.
Declaration of ownership in connection with inheritance
Please follow the guide below if you are uncertain as to how the declaration form should be filled out. The declaration form must be printed, signed by hand and sent by regular mail. Two copies must be submitted, and these may be two original forms or one original and one certified copy.
Check what has been registered before filling out the declaration of ownership.
Please check the information in the Land Registry pertaining to the deceased’s property. Before filling out the forms for registration, it is important to obtain an overview of what is registered on the property that was owned by the deceased. This easiest means of doing this is to do a search of the property on the website “Se eiendom” (View property). Among other things, the website provides information about the deceased’s share of the property and whether encumbrances are registered on the property.
This service is free, however you need to log on via ID-porten. This service is only available for Norwegian citizens.
There are three methods of searching:
1. The address of the property.
2. Municipality, land and title number.
If the property has a section number and/or leasehold number, this also needs to be added. You search as follows: [Name of municipality or municipality number (4 digits)]-[land number]/[title number](possibly /[lease number]). Example of a search: Oslo-1/100.
3. If you only know where the property is located on a map, you can also find the property on the map at
In many instances, the person who inherits one or more properties must register a self-declaration of exemption from the concession requirement or apply to the municipality for a concession.
It is important that this is investigated before you send the declaration of ownership for registration, because you can risk the document being sent back without it being registered. Contact the municipality where the property is located to clarify this before you send the declaration of ownership for registration.
If there are multiple heirs, but only some of these heirs will take over the property, a deed must also be filled out. You can send the deed in the same envelope as the declaration of ownership. It is therefore only the person who will take over the property on the deed who need to investigate whether they have to consider the issue of concession.
Assistance in filling out the information
Please enter the name, address, national identity number (11 digits), or organization number of the person who is sending the declaration of ownership for registration. The sender will receive the registered document and invoice for registration fees and possibly stamp duty.
There are no fees or stamp duty for registering declaration of ownership in connection with undivided possession of an estate.
Property information (eiendommen)
Please enter information about the property that will be transferred from the deceased. Please fill out the fields for municipality number, name of the municipality, land number and title number. If the property has been assigned a leasehold number or section number, these numbers must be entered.
Undivided share (ideell andel)
In the “undivided share” field, please write the fraction of the property that was owned by the deceased.
The sale involves a dwelling on leasehold land (bygg på festet grunn)
Please tick the appropriate box.
Character (beskaffenhet)
Please select whether or not there are buildings on the property. If there are no buildings on the property, please check whether you have to consider the issue of concession.
Use of land (anvendelse av grunn)
Please tick the appropriate box.
Value (verdi)
Please fill out this field if the heirs have to pay stamp duty. Please enter the value of the undivided share of the inheritance that is liable for stamp duty. The basis for stamp duty is determined according to the market value of the property on the registration date.
Type of residence (type bolig)
Please tick the appropriate box.
Please enter the national identity number and name of the deceased.
Please tick the box of the documentation which will be used to document the identities of the heirs and enclose this. If the deceased wrote a will, an authorised copy or the original must be enclosed.
Please fill in the names and national identity numbers of the heirs in accordance with the certificate of probate or undivided estate. If the deceased wrote a will, please enclose it. If a company has received inheritance from the deceased, the organization number of the company must be added.
Share (andel)
Shares of the property must be entered as fractions and this will refer to the share of the property that is to be transferred to each heir. For example, if there are two equal heirs, please write 1/2 behind the names of each of the heirs if the decease had lawful title to the entire property. The total of the fractions in section 4 must be the same as in section 1.
Attachment if there is limited space
If there is not enough space to write all of the heirs in section 4, please make a separate attachment to the document. Please write “See separate attachment” in section 4 and label the attachment “Attachment to section 4”.
Transferring the deceased’s property to some of the heirs
This field must be signed by all of the heirs who have assumed accountability under the certificate of probate, or an heir who has been granted power of attorney from the other heirs.
The field can also be signed by, for example, a lawyer or real estate agent.
Undivided estate (uskiftet bo)
If the heir is in undivided possession of the estate, only the person in undivided possession of the estate may sign.
Repeat with block letters
If the signatures are difficult to read, please repeat the names in block letters.
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