Last updated

Order geospatial data

If you are you interested in purchasing geospatial data, please contact the Norwegian Hydrographic Service for bathymetric data or one of our distributors for topographical land data.

Note that most of our data sets are available in digital form without costs. The exceptions are mainly orthophotos and the most detailed topographical land data.

At sea

Bathymetric data and digital terrain models of the seabed are available to download for free and through APIs. High-resolution bathymetric data must be ordered directly from the Norwegian Hydrographic Service at via e-mail to

On land

Orthophotos and spatial data in larger scales than 1: 50 000 (products from the Geovekst initiative, including Lidar data) can be ordered from the municipality in question or one of the following distributors:

Norway Digital partners

Partners in the Norway Digital network have designated procedures for data access and licensing. More information about Norway Digital at Geonorge.

Interested in distributing our products?

Companies interested in distributing the Mapping Authority’s products can contact our distribution service by email,
